Is Motorcycle Trailering For Me?

4 years ago I fit in this scenario – How can pack all this stuff and still enjoy riding all weekend long? Do I get bigger saddlebags? How about a trunk? What if I want to buy something on the road for my wife, my friends, or my son?

When I want to get packing and get going, I don’t want to have an argument with myself or my riding partner as to who gets what space, who gets to bring what, and why we cannot bring this or cannot bring that. I like to have a cup of coffee and dream about the entire open road in my near future.  How many awesome pictures and scenery can we discover today?  So the thought of having to barter for the several cubic inches left of storage can put a little cramp in the mood.

Packing now is a completely different experience. We pack what we need and then pack some more stuff just in case….  Sometimes we plan trips to bring friends and family gifts that we otherwise could not. Having a little extra room to offer others can go a long way too.  I like to see how many “I owe you ones” I can rack up just for bring something along that necessarily would not make the cut.


What about safety? Pulling a trailer behind a motorcycle could offer some benefits that aren’t necessarily considered. Trailering makes you more visible:

  • Your physical size on the road increases, making you easier for other vehicles to spot.
  • More lights across a longer road presence at night
  • Locking hitches and latches add to gear security
  • Additional rear wheel weight can help in slippery condtions


Gear safety is another added benefit that can be overlooked. Two bags zippered to the side of my bike all day and all night with a few hundred bucks of gear in them is bold. Luckily I have not had a problem in the past, but the potential is there. (Not from another biker of course, but not all of us are bikers with integrity). Just the peace of mind from having all my gear locked up without any hassles adds to the trip. (I even thought of how putting on a small blinking red LED in a conspicuous spot to mimic a car alarm as a joke once would easily fend off anyone simple enough to mess with a bikers gear.)

So, now, pulling a trailer behind my motorcycle has made it possible to take more trips, haul more gear, and have more fun. Win. Win. Win.


Karl S

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